Tuesday, May 28, 2013


It's been a while since I've posted.  This past year has been interesting - to say the least.  But with all the ups and downs that have come throughout the year, there is one lesson that I've learned that seems to always be applicable.

Live life to the fullest!

Embrace each day.
We are blessed with each new day.
We need to embrace it.
Live each day and live it out loud.
Don't waste your life.

I've noticed that I have become rather negative.  For what?!  It's not productive or useful in anyway.  So what if I dread something I may have to do, so what if my to-do list is a mile long, so what if I spend a lot of time working, ... so what?!  I have been blessed with each day that I am given.  I need to recognize that and take advantage of it.  Our perspective can completely change our attitude.

Yes, there are chores, jobs, tasks that I don't like to do.  But I need to be thankful that I have clothes to wear and thus have laundry to do.  I need to be thankful that there is food to eat and thus dishes to wash (even though I really dislike hand washing dishes).  I need to be thankful that we have a house and thus rooms and floors to clean.  I need to be thankful that I have the opportunity to do so many different things and thus a to-do list that can grow rather lengthy at times.  I need to be thankful that I have a job (all of my jobs) and thus the occasional stress that can come with any job.

So my goal is to daily change my perspective.
Be thankful.  Love others.  Serve others.  Live life.
Life is too short to not live each day to the fullest.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Getting Organized

Well, if you know anything about me, you should know that I love for things to be organized.  For example, in the house (and in the classroom), everything has a home - and should be there.  So during some of my "free time" this summer, I have been working on getting more organized... at home (with some ideas from The Nest Effect) and in the classroom (with ideas from different places, mainly courtesy of Pinterest).

Now, I do love to be organized.  But occasionally, it can overtake my brain.  For example, we went to the store last night to pick up some t-shirts to decorate.  As we were walking around, I noticed the school supplies had started coming out.  My brain thinks... hey, I need a binder and dividers for the Home Management Binder... ooh, and they have the paper folders that I want to use for make-up work... how much are they... would it be too expensive for me to purchase enough folders for each student... let me check the math...  Needless to say, I walked out of the store with a binder, dividers, and 90 folders... along with some other items.

I hope to share with you (more later) how I set up my Home Management Binder and how useful it will be in real life.  But, if you want ideas now, check out The Nest Effect.  She has all types of checklists and forms and what not - for finances, cleaning, shopping, health, etc.
Disclaimer:  When I told my husband about this idea, he made me make a promise.  I cannot be frustrated or upset when I do not accomplish everything on my checklists.  I promised.  And I told him, if I do become frustrated you can remind me of this promise and tell me to get over it.  :)
Lists help me. However, there are times I worry too much over accomplishing the list and forget to be thankful for everything that I did accomplish, even if there are some items not marked off.  It's all good.  These checklists will hopefully help me to remember things that I need to do and/or when I last did them - especially with cleaning the house... some things should be done weekly, monthly, or seasonally... I won't be able to remember when I last did something.

I will go ahead and share how I plan to use those 90 folders in my classroom.  I teach high school math on a block schedule.  So I usually have about 30 students in a class and teach 3 classes.  The folders are paper folders with two pockets (no brads).  I will use them for their make-up work.  Hopefully, it will help my students to keep up with their work and remember to turn it back in.  How it'll be set up:
on the front cover - a label with the student's name and "Math Work"
on the left pocket - a label with "Work To Do"
on the right pocket - a label with "Work Completed"
When students are absent or have assignments missing in the gradebook, I'll get their work together and put it in the left pocket of their folder.  They'll get their folder when they are back in my class... complete their work (hopefully) and move it to the right pocket.  Then they will turn their folder into the basket "Please Grade".  I hope this system will help keep make-up work more organized for my students.  It should help me as well since all make-up work will be in their folders and not mixed in with the current assignments.  I'll have to follow up with you after school gets underway.

Until next time,
I'll leave you with a thought...

Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the Lord’s decree will prevail. 
Proverbs 19:21 (HCSB)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer: slow down!

It is hard to believe that I have been home from Belize for about two weeks now.  Where has the time gone?!  Summer, please don't run away!!

On a more positive note though, I am accomplishing some tasks on my summer list... 

Spend time with Family and Friends | I love catching up with people and just enjoying life together.  Corey's aunt and uncle came and stayed with us for a week - such a blessing!  I got to catch up with one of my friends from high school the other day ~ lunch at McAlister's [yum!] and some shopping for projects [curtains and paints for her, scrapbook stuff for me].  I also got to see a lot of my family recently... My great-great-aunt passed away Tuesday morning... It is sad to see her go, but it is comforting because she is no longer in pain.  And I was able to go with my cousin to see our family.  I'm looking forward to more time with family and friends as we celebrate our country this next week.  

Wedding Scrapbook | The goal has finally been started... well continued.  I started shortly after our wedding collecting some pictures and items I would want included.  This past week I finally started putting the scrapbook together.  It has been fun to think back to the days of just friends, dating, engagement, and the wedding.  Maybe I can finish it this summer!  After all, there are plenty of other pictures and events that need to make their way into a scrapbook soon too.  

Classes Next Year | Yes, it is only June.  Yes, I have started working on school stuff for next year.  Now, don't get too worried, I've only spent about half a day on school stuff so far.  There is much more I want to get done before August though.  It's just hard to focus on school in June.  

Update Pictures |  I am still working on this one.  We still have several pictures/frames that we need to hang.  I want to try to put more pictures of family and friends in some of those frames though.  I don't want just our faces all over the house.  lol 

Read Books |  I haven't read much since my last post.  There's been way too much running around for all of that.  

Clean House |  Our house is half-way decent, at least to me.  No, it's not sparkling clean or perfect or anything.  But, mostly everything has a place.  And for the most part the house has stayed fairly clean day-to-day... bed made, dishes washed and put away, things picked up, etc.  And, I must say, I'm loving it!  I also love that we're accomplishing some of our "bigger" house projects.  There are still many things we want to do, but it is such a blessing to be able to get some things done. 

Summer Sun |  The summer sun got me pretty good yesterday while I was mowing.  So today I have stayed inside or in the shade as much as possible.  However, this evening my goal is to finish the lawn... hopefully the sun will be down or close to it!  My sunburned legs are not very appreciative right now.  My fair skin must lather up in sunscreen!  :) 

Well, I'm going to quit boring you now... and let you enjoy some pictures from Belize. 

our group

glass bottom boat - you could see the fish, sharks, sting rays, etc swimming beneath

Snorkeling - seeing God's beautiful creation

Mayan Ruins - Altun Ha

Embassy Mission Hotel - our residence for the week 

Hanging out at "The Blue Hole"

Spreading gravel at the church to help prevent flooding.

It was such a blessing to serve in Belize - a beautiful country with some amazing people!! 

Hopefully, my next post will be a little more focused and a little less random. 

Until next time, 
Enjoy summer!! 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

My Thoughts on Books

Over the past couple of months I have had time to read since I've been traveling here and there.  I have finished two books recently... The Help by Kathryn Stockett and Fools Rush In by Janice Thompson.  So I thought I would share some of my thoughts on these reads.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett
     I began reading this book back in September.  Our school had a reading initiative this past year to encourage our students to read.  Teachers were asked to help out by reading along with the students and having a "book talk" at the end of each month.  I thought it was a great idea; unfortunately I did not succeed very well.  In August, I read a book by John Grisham (The Testament) and shared about it.  In September, I didn't have time to complete a book so I pulled another book that I had read off the shelf and shared it (The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson).  I also decided to start reading The Help in September so that I could share about it in October.  Unfortunately I did not have the time to read.  I was too busy working on teacher stuff (planning, grading, preparing), tutoring, helping lead at church, trying to spend time with family and friends... basically, life!
     Well I have finally finished it.  And it was a good read throughout.  Being from the South, I could relate to the setting and even the story line.  [Growing up in the South, you hear and learn a lot about the Civil Rights Movement and time period.]  It was very easy for me to picture Jackson, MS and the way of life described in that time era.  I know The Help is a fictional novel, but I think it gives a great perspective on how life could have been for some people during that time.  I wasn't really fond of the ending.  It was a good ending - don't get me wrong.  I just wanted to keep reading.  I had become 'absorbed' in the lives of these ladies.  I was curious about the changes that were happening - the new adventures to come.
    I am looking forward to seeing the movie.  I'm sure the book will surpass the movie... they usually do.  It would be impossible to squeeze everything from a book into a two hour movie.  There are perks to reading instead of just watching movies.  And, honestly, that's one of the reasons I decided to read this particular book.  The movie came out with a lot of hype.  I wanted to read the book before seeing the movie.  Now that I've finally finished the book... maybe I can watch the movie this summer too!

Fools Rush In by Janice Thompson
     I found this book on Amazon when I was looking for books to read on my Kindle.  I had never read any of Janice Thompson's work before or heard about this book.  The description caught my attention so I thought I'd give the book a chance.  I'm glad I did.
     This book was a fun read.  It was filled with action, romance, love, challenges, friendship, and "normal every day life".  It was fun to live in Bella's world... to experience living with a colorful (sometimes crazy) family, dealing with an annoying ex-boyfriend, falling in love - unexpectedly, running your own business, trying to prove that you can succeed - primarily to yourself, and much more.  I hope the other books in this series are just as exciting... and that I don't take too long in getting around to reading them.  :)

If I Was Jesus by Matt Chapman, JR Baker
     This book is my current read.  I just started it the other night.  I am anxious to see how it goes and what I can draw from this book.  Especially since I know the contributor to this book, JR Baker.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed these thoughts.  But more importantly, I'd love to hear about what you're reading.  I can add to my list of books to read.  :)

Until next time,
When you find yourself with some downtime... pick up a book!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Catching Up

This week has been a week of catching up.  Life has been busy since the last time I blogged.

First of all, I had the joy of hosting a BeautiControl Spa back at the beginning of the month.  Some great ladies came over and we enjoyed being pampered.  I am so glad I decided to set apart a night for relaxing with some good friends and family.  And, don't worry, the husband enjoyed an afternoon of golfing and goofing off.  :)

The next week was Vacation Bible School at our church.  It was a fun week at Amazing Wonders Aviation!  I had the honor and responsibility of leading the Missions class for the 1st-5th graders alongside my husband.  It is fun and exciting to learn about missions around the world with the kids.  It is even more encouraging when they recognize how they can do missions at home and how they can help others around the world through prayer and sending supplies.  Such a blessing!

The next week (last week) I was out of the country on a mission trip.  We went to Belize!  There were 19 people on the mission team - a lot of different ages - children, middle school youth, high school graduates, college students, and various adults.  Last week was amazing!  Words cannot completely express everything from the week.  So when I get my pictures off my camera, I will be sure to share.  But there are a few things I want to share now...
* Creation is beautiful.  God created every thing we see.  In Belize, we saw the cities, the Caribbean Sea, the Cayes, the water, the animals, the plants, the countryside, the mountains, the woods, etc.  Belize is a beautiful country.  I love the outdoors.  It's so exciting to see God's work... especially different countries.
* The people in Belize are very friendly.  They speak English and live a lot like we do in the States.  Many of the people in Brazil do struggle financially, but it doesn't seem to change their outlook on life. Nor should it.  Our happiness/attitude should not be based in our material things.  Rather we should overflow with Christ's love, joy, kindness.  The Belizean people know about Jesus and God; however, not everyone has a relationship with Jesus - again, very much like the States.  We were able to meet a lot of people throughout the week.  Some for the week and others for only a moment, but each person was unique and able to teach/remind us.
* I was pushed to grow, to lead, to follow.  We are responsible for certain things and it is important that we take care of our responsibilities - whether we're serving in a foreign country or living our day to day lives.  It is such an encouragement to have others to push you, help you, and encourage you as you go through life.  I'm so thankful for the team that went as well as the people we met in Belize.
** As I said before, pictures from Belize will be coming soon (hopefully).  As I share the pictures, I also hope to share a little bit more about the trip.

This week I have been trying to catch up... on sleep, on laundry, on cleaning, on church, on school... you name it and I have probably tried to catch up a little bit.  I am very thankful that I was able to sleep in earlier this week.  My body was exhausted from the previous weeks.

Well, needless to say, I am glad to be back home... thankful for the opportunity to serve in Belize... hoping to blog more regularly this summer - among my various plans for the next month or so.

Until next time,
Be sure to relax and find rest in this craziness we call life!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer! [twenty-twelve]

My summer list of twenty-twelve!

- spend time with family and friends... build relationships... 
- go to nephews ball games... been to one, hoping to catch some more...
- plan, decorate, and help with VBS [Amazing Wonders Aviation]
- go on trips... several exciting trips planned... post-trip details to follow!
- work out and get in better shape... I need to start exercising... oh to not be lazy...
- swim and maybe get a tan... enjoy the summer sun!
- make a painting for guest bath... "splish, splash, taking a bath"... not sure if I'll get this one done this summer, but it's staying on my list...
- create & complete wedding photo album... I really want to accomplish this one this summer!
- plan for classes next year... I think I can put this one off until July...
- update pictures on computer, in frames, etc.
- read books (finish The Help first) 

- get the house cleaned and organized & keep it in order  :) 

I'm sure there are some things I'm forgetting... 

Some highlights from the past week... 

*  Had a great time with lots of family over the holiday weekend ~ fish fry, lasagna, smoked chicken... yum ~ grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins, parents, siblings, new nephew! 
*  Graduation for our high school seniors.  This year I had the honor of making sure our Student Council kids greeted and passed out programs.  Little did I know that this meant a lot of running around the building, waiting on kids to show up, and trying to make sure everything was covered.  Needless to say, heels were a terrible choice.  My feet were aching, blistered, and cut by the end of the night.  I will not be wearing heels next year... 
*  A nice dinner at Red Lobster with the amazing husband! 
*  A fun girls night out to Olive Garden!  Yum! 

Here's to hoping that summer will be enjoyed and not a blur!! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Well, I am back.  Not because of anything cute or exciting that I have to share.  Instead it is because of what someone said to me the other day.  It went something like this... 

You are a very pretty young lady.  [side note: I was wearing jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt with my hair up in a bun]  But you know what would be better - for you to smile.  A smile would definitely brighten you and wherever you are. 

Now, normally I am one to smile.  I'm a pretty happy and easy-to-get-along-with person.  However, when I get frustrated, stressed, and/or exhausted the smile tends to disappear.  It's sad how quickly the smile disappears simply because I'm not in my best upbeat mood.  My smile should stay - not because I want people to think I'm beautiful (believe me, I don't think I'm beautiful) or that I have it altogether - but my smile should stay because I am blessed beyond anything I deserve and beyond my expectations.  

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles.  It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.  
~Quoted in P.S. I Love You

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.  
~Phyllis Diller

People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile.  
~Lee Mildon

A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks.  
~Charles Gordy

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.  
~Mother Teresa

The person who reminded me the other day that I need to smile more often is not the first person to comment on my smile.  I guess I should take the hint... how important a smile is. Now if only I can remember to smile when I'm not at my best and to truly be grateful for all that I have, even when it's easier to focus on the negative (things that aren't going my way).  

So I hope you have a wonderful week!  Thank you for reading my ramblings.  Remember to smile - even if you're having the worst day you can brighten someone else's!

Until next time,
Keep Smiling!