Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thoughts for Thursday

Today, I am going to take my friend Amber's idea and write out my Thoughts for Thursday.

* I love snow!  It is so pretty to me.  It blankets everything in white.  Plus, it occasionally results in snow days... like yesterday afternoon
and today... which means there's time to relax and have fun (playing some-slightly-old-school N64 games) as well as time to clean up the apartment and do some teacher planning that is slightly needed.

* I love having ideas for a project, but I hate not being able to write/draw them out.  For example, I have a few different ideas of a t-shirt design for an upcoming event.  But my ideas can't seem to make it completely and clearly to the paper.  It's rather aggravating to be honest.  I just need to be patient and work them out... but patience and I aren't always friends.

* I have been struggling on two of my goals for this year.  (1) Reading the Bible through chronologically this year.  My priorities have been slightly out of whack as well.  (2) My third SSMT verse is more difficult for me to memorize.  I'm not sure why.  I probably just haven't spent enough time studying it.  I have the gist of it, but I will get it down word for word before the next verse (next Tuesday).  I WILL!  :)

* Well if I am going to be productive then I need to get off of here and get to work... to life...  I hope you have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. awww I feel honored! :) I like your thoughts! And I am TOTALLY with you on that not being able to write out your ideas..that happens to me all the time! and many times with art if I was any kind of artistic I would be really awesome because I see cool things in my head but I just can't construct them ha ha...annnnd consider this "official" encouragement for your SSMT verse! GET IT GIIIIIRL! love you siesta!
